英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语lesson 375-paying through the nose/ keep one's nos





    我们今天要讲的几个习惯用语都带有同一个词: nose。各位早就知道nose是鼻子。它在我们的脸上占了引人注目的中心位置,难怪人们会围绕nose这个词组成了不少习惯用语。今天要讲的第一个是: pay through the nose. Pay解释"付钱。" 让我们通过一个例子来琢磨习惯用语pay through the nose含义是什么。

    例句-1:Bob was so desperate for cash to pay six months overdue rent that he borrowed money at the interest rate of 5% a week. And now he's paying through the nose: every week he's late he has to pay an extra 5%.


    这种每星期百分之五的利率是大大高于一般利率的。所以说he's paying through the nose, 意思是他在付过高的代价。


    我们再学个习惯用语: cut off one's nose to spite one's face。 Spite意思是故意伤害,cut off one's nose to spite one's face听起来就觉得这样做的人很可悲,想象一下割下了自己的鼻子,伤害的不正是自己的脸吗? 好,我们听一段例子来体会它的含义。这段话说的是Mary一时冲动的举止给自己造成了什么后果。

    例句-2:Mary got so mad at her boss she shouted at him in front of the whole staff. But she really cut off her nose to spite her face -- after that he blocked every chance she had for promotion.


    Mary当著全体雇员的面对老板大吼大叫。她原意是想让老板当众出丑,但是后果是老板利用职权封杀了她的一切升迁机会,受害的反而是Mary自己。这样看来习惯用语cut off one's nose to spite one's face含义是一时冲动做了损害自己的事。


    我们接著学下一个习惯用语: plain as the nose on your face。 Plain在这儿的意思是显而易见、一清二楚的,鼻子竖在脸蛋儿的中央,当然是显而易见的。这就产生了这个作比喻用的习惯用语。我们来听个例子:

    例句-3:It's plain as the nose on your face that Mark is better educated and more intelligent than most other people. His trouble is, he doesn't try to hide this and scares away bosses who aren't as smart.


    所以plain as the nose on your face意思是"一清二楚、""显而易见的。"


    最后再学一个习惯用语: keep one's nose clean。这是个相当常用的习惯用语。我们听个例子来体会它的含义。这是个怒气冲冲爸爸在对儿子发火,因为他刚去警察局把老闯祸的儿子保了回来。

    例句-4:Young man, this is the last time I'm going to bail you out of trouble! From now on, keep your nose clean or I'll just stand back and let you get fined and maybe get sent to jail.


    显然这里习惯用语keep your nose clean意思是不招惹麻烦。