英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语lesson 349-break one's neck/ wring one's neck





    我们今天要讲由neck这个词组成的习惯用语。大家也许已经知道neck是脖子。我们要学的第一个习惯用语是: pain in the neck。 Pain是疼痛的意思。Pain in the neck,一听就知道是"脖子疼",但是它的比喻意义是什么呢? 脖子也许是身体上活动最多的部位。我们时常必须转动脖子,所以要是脖子疼而不能动,可想而知会给人带来多大的不便和麻烦,令人不胜其烦。好,我们从一个例子来琢磨pain in the neck究竟含义是什么。这个人在说他的近邻:

    例句-1:Listening to that guy in the apartment next door play his stereo as loud as he can every night until two am is getting to be a pain in the neck for my wife and me.


    所以pain in the neck用来指令人讨厌的人或事。

    Pain in the neck一般是说较为琐碎的烦扰。我们再来听个通常发生在电影院里的例子:

    例句-2:Different things annoy different people. To me, for example, the worst pain in the neck is somebody who sits behind me in a movie theater and talks to his friends all the time the picture is on.


    这儿the worst pain in the neck是最令人生厌的事。


    我们再学个习惯用语: break one's neck。Break在这儿意思是"折断"。Break one's neck是夸张的说法,出处可能是成年累月地埋头苦干,几乎累断了脖子。这句话相当于中文说的: 累断了腰干。总之都是指竭尽全力地苦干。我们来听听一个父亲怎么责骂他那些不争气的孩子:

    例句-3:I broke my neck trying to raise you kids and look at the way you pay me back! One son in jail, the other too lazy to work and my daughter ran away with her hairdresser.

    他说:为了把你们抚养成人我累断了腰干,看看你们是怎么报答我的? 一个儿子坐牢,另一个偷懒不做工,女儿竟然跟理发师私奔。

    这里broke my neck意思是我拼命苦干。


    我们再学一个和break one's neck似乎相象的习惯用语: wring one's neck。Wring意思是"使劲拧"。Wring one's neck可能来自杀鸡的一种办法: 把鸡脖子拧断,鸡就丧命了。Wring one's neck直译是拧断某人的脖子,就是杀了某人。当然这只是一句威胁。我们来听个例子。这是父亲在严厉警告儿子:

    例句-4:If I catch you one more time sneaking in and drinking my whiskey, I promise you I'll wring your neck. I don't want to see you even looking at a bottle till you reach 21.


    这里的I'll wring your neck意思是"看我不拧断你的脖子",其实是说要重重处罚你。


    例句-5:I feel sorry for Miss Jones who teaches that second grade class. She has such noisy, unruly kids that she must feel like wringing their necks every day.


    当然这里的wringing their necks也是夸张,绝不真会出手伤人。