英语听力汇总   |   美国习惯用语Lesson 96 - basket case / all washed up





今天我们要给大家介绍两个表示毫无希望的习惯用语。我们要讲的第一个常用语是:basket case。

Basket的意思就是"篮子"。比如说,要是一个人在一次事故中失去了四肢,他就变得毫无能力来料理自己的生活,只能让人家把他放在一只篮子里抬来抬去。这种毫无能力和希望的情景就是basket case的意思。Basket case经常被用来形容那些很穷的国家,它们的人民饥寒交迫,毫无希望。有的时候,basket case也是指那些老是亏钱,即将倒闭的企业。我们来举个例子吧:

例句-1: I'm really worried - our company is losing so much money these days that if things don't get better in the next two months we'll be a basket case and have to go out of business.


Basket case也可以用半开玩笑的口气来指个别人,就像下面这个人。他正在找工作,刚刚到一个公司去面谈回来:

例句-2: They made me wait so long for the interview that I was a basket case by the time I finally got called in. I've never been so nervous! I stammered, I stuttered--I almost couldn't remember my own name.



下面我们要讲的一个习惯用语是:all washed up。大家都知道,wash就是洗东西的"洗"。但是,all washed up的意思是彻底完蛋,和乾净不乾净毫无关系。下面这位女士在和她妹妹说一个他们都认识的朋友:

例句-3: Did you hear that Gloria's marriage is all washed up? She found her husband was seeing another woman, so she packed up, took the kids and moved out. Now she's suing for divorce.



例句-4: That man over there used to be one of the best players in baseball. But then he started drinking, turned into an alcoholic, and just two years later he was all washed up.
