英语听力汇总   |   GRE作文范文 Issue-33





GRE作文范文 Issue-33

“It is easy to welcome innovation and accept new ideas. What most people find difficult, however, is accepting the way these new ideas are put in to practice.”

嘉文博译Sample Essay

To a greater or lesser degree, all people are resistant to change, and change often begins with innovation and new ideas. Indeed, the human body has a built-in response mechanism for dealing with the anxiety that occurs in unfamiliar situations. Particularly in the world of business, the dynamics of affecting change in a company are becoming increasingly important but also increasingly difficult to do without creating dissension among the employees. Barring any difficulties in their current situation, people prefer the status quo to almost any changes. The resistance to change begins with the difficulty in the initial acceptance of innovation and new ideas, which then leads to difficulties in putting those ideas into practice.

People are most comfortable with that with which they are familiar. Depending upon the situation and the degree to which innovation or a new idea means changing one’s life, every person will feel a certain amount of discomfort when facing the unfamiliar. Whether it is a new job, new location or even meeting a new friend, psychologists and sociologists know that there is an automatic adrenaline response within the human body that occurs in response to the unfamiliar. It is a totally natural and ingrained response similar to the “fight or flight” idea that is left over from the days when humans were often faced with situations that determined whether they would survive to live another day.

Even in today’s more modern society, business management and human resources literature is filled with techniques and ideas for dealing with the dynamics of change within an organization. If human beings were well equipped to deal with innovation and new ideas, there would be no reason for managers to have to worry about getting employees to “go along” with a different business direction or method. Acceptance would be automatic and there would be no problem with putting the ideas into practice. The reluctance to change begins with accepting the idea rather than actually putting the new idea into practice.

Furthermore, history is littered with examples of human resistance to innovation and new ideas, even those that are routinely accepted and taken for granted in today’s world. As early as the 6th century BC, Pythagoras insisted that the world was round, but no one believed him. The idea was not widely accepted until actually proven by maritime explorers over one thousand years later. American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) invented the first cell phone in 1947 - yet it would not be commercially accepted until thirty-six years later. It would be several more than another decade before the general public decided that the cell phone had a practical use. In the late 1930’s, an inventor tried to sell his idea of “xerography” to two of the world’s largest companies, IBM and Kodak, among others. They flatly rejected his idea and sent him away. A little known company named Haloid-Xerox, now known as Xerox, bought the idea and debuted the first photocopier in 1960, which became an unprecedented success in the world of business. Human beings natural resistance to innovation and new ideas has been displayed throughout history; it continues to be a natural human trait even in today’s modern, high-tech society.

In summary, it is human beings’ natural resistance to change that presents the greatest challenge to accepting new ideas and innovation. Business managers struggle to overcome it, and history shows many examples of this human trait. Although putting these changes into action is also problematic, it is definitely not easy in the first place for people to welcome new ideas with open arms.

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