英语听力汇总   |   GRE作文范文 Issue-23





GRE作文范文 Issue-23

"What is called human nature is really a reflection of the human condition: if all people had a reasonable share of territory and resources, such products of 'human nature' as war and crime would be extremely rare."

嘉文博译Sample Essay

At first glance, this would appear to be a reasonable and correct statement. If every person in the world could share all of the world's territory and resources on a reasonable basis, there would seem to be no need for crime or war or for that matter, any relational problems between human beings. To a certain extent, human nature probably is a reflection of the inequality of the human condition. But this would seem to exclude other aspects of human nature such as ethnocentricity and racism, religious conflicts and two of mankind's greatest troublemakers: envy and greed.

Ethnocentricity is the natural favoritism of one's own ethnic group over other ethnic groups wherein the individual cultural group's values, norms and beliefs are seen as superior to all others. While not as overt as racism, it can still cause problems between members of different races or ethnic groups simply due to the fact that the person simply believes that his or her culture is better than the other. Racism obviously causes problems in a similar but more open manner. The person that looks down upon another person simply because of his or her race is bound to cause problems any time he or she interacts with another race. Neither of these problems would disappear with the equal sharing of territory and resources. A world that shares territory and resources must interact as the territory and resources are not equally distributed in every part of the world. It is within the context of that interaction that ethnocentricity and racism would continue to cause such problems as crime and war.

Religious conflicts would also not be excluded by the sharing of territory and resources. Throughout the ages, wars have been fought based almost purely on religious beliefs. The early Muslim holy wars or "jihads", the Christian Crusades and various other wars based almost entirely on a desire to convert the rest of the world to a particular religious faith have raged throughout history. There are various reasons that otherwise religious people believe that they must make war in order to fulfill their religious beliefs. Some religious writings, particularly the Quran, specifically mention making war on all "infidels" that do not believe in its teachings. An example of this is found in the Islamic extremism of Osama Bin Laden and other Islamic militants who have vowed to kill all "infidels" in declaring "jihad" on all nonbelievers. Others can take religious writings out of context to find that they "require" them to convert others by whatever means are necessary. Certainly there are many religions that focus on peace and harmony, too many to mention here. But the sheer presence of any religion that believes that others must be converted at all costs ensures that even a world with equally divided territory and resources will continue to suffer from crime and war.

Finally, mankind as a species too often suffers from the twin evils of envy and greed. From the earliest days of humans, envy and greed have caused conflict even when the two parties involved don't really have anything that the other party needs. Greed could probably be best defined as the desire to have more than you actually need. Envy can be defined as wanting something that someone else has, whether you need it or not. In a perfect world, an equal division among the world's population of both territory and resources would solve these two problems. But humans are not perfect and are not infallible. The saying "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" is popular for a reason. It is simply human nature to want what you don't have. Dividing all territory and resources equally cannot solve this problem.

The human condition is part of what makes up human nature but it cannot be considered as the full cause of the various actions of human beings. History has shown that there are other motivations for war and crime that spring not only from an unequal division of territory and resources. The distinctly human problems of ethnocentricity and racism, religious conflicts, envy and greed will most likely always give rise to crime and war.

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