英语听力汇总   |   六级高分作文_节约用电






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Saving Electricity . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words according to the following guidelines:

Energy demand is ever-increasing as world population grows.

Household electricity accounts for a considerable fraction of world power and saving household electricity is significant for energy saving.

To save electricity we should...


1. 导语解读:要求考生根据给定的提纲就“节约用电”这一话题进行阐述,并论述如何节约用电。

2. 文章立意:世界人口的激增造成了各种能源短缺,家庭用电需求不断增强,因而节约能源意义重大。


1. 第一段点明主题,即随着世界人口的增加,对资源的需求日益增加,引出电力短缺的问题。

2. 第二段通过详细分析,阐明电力短缺产生的主要原因,同时指出这一问题的紧迫性。

3. 第三段由浅及深,提出具体的解决办法。


On Saving Electricity

As world population grows, the energy demand is ever-increasing. And the lack of electricity is particularly conspicuous. 1

As household electricity accounts for a considerable fraction of electricity consumption, saving household electricity is significant for energy saving. 2 However, the excessive using of industrial and urban household electricity, the lack of traditional raw material to generate electricity and the waste contribute to the lack of electricity. The problem needs to be settled instantly. Electricity is precious and we should save it not only for us, but also for our offsprings.

To save electricity, initially 3 , we should raise awareness of saving electricity like reducing the using of electric lamp when unnecessary and turning off lights when leaving. Then call on more friends and family members to do so. Furthermore 3 , use energy saving lamps as much as possible, which will make a great contribution to energy saving. Last 3 , it should be encouraged to take advantage of more environmentally friendly raw material to generate electricity by government, which has less pollution to the environment.






1. 开篇直接按照提纲第一点来写,简明扼要。

2. 自然过渡,根据提纲第二点内容,阐明电力短缺产生的主要原因,并指出这一问题亟待解决的紧迫性。

3. 末段按照提纲第三点,分三个层次阐述如何节约用电。


ever-increasing adj. 不断增长的

conspicuous adj. 引人注目的

considerable adj. 相当可观的

fraction n. 部分

raw material 原材料

offspring n. 子孙后代

awareness n. 意识

contribute to 造成,促成;有利于


1. As household electricity accounts for a considerable fraction of electricity consumption, saving household electricity is significant for energy saving.


2. Electricity is precious and we should save it not only for us, but also for our offsprings.

句中not only...but also...结构的使用,增强语气的同时,丰富了文章的句式结构。