英语听力汇总   |   六级高分作文_令他人快乐,自己才会获得快乐






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on being happy by referring to the saying “In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first .” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


1. 导语解读:要求考生根据 “为了让我们自己快乐,要先学会如何让他人快乐”这句话,写一篇关于“快乐”的文章,可以举例说明。

2. 文章立意:首先,赠人玫瑰,手有余香。在给予他人快乐的时候,自己也会得到快乐。其次,一个人快乐,不如与大家一起快乐。再次,好心情是可以互相影响的,当他人快乐的时候,这种快乐情绪会影响到自己,使自己也变得快乐起来。让我们努力做一个能给他人带来快乐的人,因为,使他人快乐就是使自己快乐。


1. 第一段引用名言,直接点明主题。

2. 第二段通过理论和实例对主题进行论证。

3. 第三段呼应主题,以总结性的话语为文章画上句号。


Everybody wants to be happy, but how can people achieve happiness? The saying teaches us a good method, “In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.” 1

Why do we say so? To begin with 2 , while you give others happiness, you can get happiness yourself, which is an eternally immutable life philosophy. Next 2 , being happy together is better than being happy alone. Isn’t there a question in Mencius: “Which is more pleasant—to enjoy music alone, or to enjoy it with others?” The ancients knew the reason. So modern people should understand it even better. Finally 2 , good mood is infectious. While others feel happy, the good mood will affect you and make you happy. For example, if we smile to people we meet every morning, they will smile back. We will have a good mood the whole day.

Let’s try our best to be people who can bring others happiness for making others happy is making ourselves happy. 3





1. 开篇引用名言,点明主题。

2. 从三个角度,理论联系实例对主题进行论证。

3. 尾段通过一句总结语,“使他人快乐就是使自己快乐”,深化了主题。


eternally adv. 永恒地

immutable adj. 不变的

Mencius n. 《孟子》

infectious adj. 传染的;传染性的


1. To begin with, while you give others happiness, you can get happiness yourself, which is an eternally immutable life philosophy.

此句是一个复合句,while引导时间状语从句,主句为you can...,该复合句中还包含一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句。

2. Let’s try our best to be people who can bring others happiness for making others happy is making ourselves happy.
