Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on inspiration and action by referring to the remark “We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. ” You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you will do to develop your inspiration and how you can make use of your inspiration . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
1. 导语解读:要求考生就题目中给定的话语“我们应该学会不要等有了灵感才开始做事。行动总会产生灵感,而灵感很少会产生行动。”进行简评,引出“灵感和行动”这一话题并进行论述。
2. 文章立意:我们做事情必须先付诸行动,而不是坐等灵感出现才去行动,只有行动中产生的灵感才更有利于事情的完成。
1. 第一段简述题目中话语的含义,然后提出论点:行动比灵感更重要。
2. 第二段通过对比论证的方式阐述行动比灵感重要的原因:是行动促使我们达到目标、实现梦想。如果只是坐等灵感出现,则会错失良机。
3. 第三段通过引用名言“天才就是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水”再次强调行动比灵感更重要这一论点,呼应文章论点。
“We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.” The statement means that if we want to start something, we should take action instead of waiting for inspiration to start it. 1 It is obvious that action is more important than inspiration. 2
Action will enable us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. The more action we take, the more likely we are to get inspiration. More importantly, inspiration we get in practice will equip us with better ideas to take active action and get things well done. In this way, we accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination. 3 If we just wait for inspiration to start a thing instead of taking action, we may lose an opportunity. 3
Inspiration is not a decisive factor for success. Just as Edison’s famous remark goes, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Therefore, success lies in perspiration from the action you take instead of inspiration you get. 4
1. 开篇简述给定话语的含义。
2. 自然过渡,结合话语含义提出文章论点:行动比灵感更重要。
3. 从灵感与行动之间关系的角度论证自己的观点。
4. 末段总结全文,引用名人名言指出成功的决定因素在于行动中付出的汗水,而不是灵感。
inspiration n. 灵感;妙计
take action 采取行动
objective n. 目的;目标
smoothly adv. 平稳地;流畅地
accumulate v. 积累
destination n. 目的地,终点
decisive adj. 决定性的
perspiration n. 汗水;努力
1. It is obvious that action is more important than inspiration.
句中用了It is obvious that...的主语从句结构,该结构在表明观点时经常用到。
2. Therefore, success lies in perspiration from the action you take instead of inspiration you get.
该句中lie in表示“在于……”;instead of连接两个并列成分,the action you take和inspiration you get,二者的核心部分均为名词,且分别被省略了关系代词that的定语从句you take和you get所修饰。