英语听力汇总   |   英语六级命题作文:网络活动






Activities on Internet
  The above table depicts a clear map of Internet application during the past two years. It's easy to find that online music, online news and search engine still rank the top three among all the online activities.
  Making a general survey of the chart, there is a distinct change which deserves your attention, that is, commercial transaction on the network rockets up between 2012 and 2013 and its growth rates rank from top one to top five, especially for the online payment, hotel booking and online stocks transaction because doing business on Internet is more convenient and efficient, and thus some network stations like taobao thrives. In contrast with the fast increase of the online commercial application, the traditional activities on Internet such as instant messages and online videos develop with a comparatively slow speed.
  In line with my analysis, the application on the network is opt to be more commercial while the conventional usage on Internet like searching information and communication will develop in a stable speed. In a word, Internet will be commerce-oriented and recreation-oriented in the future. (183 words)







search engine 搜索引擎
make a general survey of 纵观
rocket up 快速增长
rank  n. 等级,阶层,排,列  v. 分等级,排列,列为
booking  n. 预约
thrive  v. 蓬勃发展,繁荣,茁壮成长
instant message 即时消息
online video 网络视频
in line with 根据
stable  adj. 稳定的,可靠的


1. The above table depicts a clear map of Internet application during the past two years. 上表是一张有关过去两年的互联网应用的清晰图表。
2. In contrast with the fast increase of the online commercial application, the traditional activities on Internet such as instant messages and online videos develop with a comparatively slow speed. 相比于网上商业应用的快速增长,传统的网络活动发展速度相对缓慢,如即时消息和在线视频。
3. In line with my analysis, the application on the network is opt to be more commercial while the conventional usage on Internet like searching information and communication will develop in a stable speed. 根据我的分析,网络应用更倾向于商业化了,而对网络传统的使用,例如搜索信息和沟通,会以稳定的速度发展。