英语语言中笼统词有have, take 等,笼统词的重要特点在于意义广泛,搭配性强,构成词组后可以替代众多具体动词。虽然不能精确表达一个动作,却能大致表达意思。在一些具体动词写不出来的时候,用这些笼统词取代,也能收到异曲同工的效果。长沙英语培训
I experienced a terrible hard time.
这一句中,experience被遗忘时,用have代替,成为:I had a terrible hard time. 其效果及表达的意义决不亚于第一句。这样的例子还很多。如:
Do you understand my meaning, sir? = Do you take my meaning, sir?
I will preside over the meeting. = I will take the meeting.
I will subscribe to the local newspaper. = I will take the local newspaper.
They occupied the city. = They took the city.
The boy resembles his father. = The boy takes after his father.