英语听力汇总   |   2017年6月大学英语四级作文高频词汇(1)






  I am convinced that

  e.g. I am convinced that you cannot study the mind solely by looking at the discipline of psychology. 我坚信,仅仅局限于心理学学科的学习,是不可能让你有能力去研究人类心理的。


  e.g. I hold the opinion that money we save now might be worthless in ten years time. 我认为我们现在存的钱过了十年或许变得毫无价值。


  e.g. While many people claim that they thrive in high-stress environments, others work best in some place that is relaxing and tranquil. 尽管很多人声称他们在高度紧张的环境下做得不错, 其他人还是在放松和平静的地方工作 得最好。


  e.g. Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution. 此外,我们应该提倡一种更加节俭的生活方式,以减小垃圾污染的增长规模。


  e.g. But I personally think a university position is the best, because then you can work on any problem you want. 但我个人认为是最好是在一所大学任职,因为这样你可以做任何你想做的事。


  in contemporary society

  e.g. Social scientists, for their part, can help philosophers determine which Confucian values are most effective in contemporary society. 社会学学者从自身领域出发可以帮助哲学家确定哪些儒家思想对当下社会最为有益。

  at present

  e.g. Many things in the country are now waiting to be done, but at present they are not able to do the things all at once.

  这个国家现在是百废待举, 但目前他们还不能做到百废俱兴。


  Currently, as we see inflation go down , this trend is appropriate and should be maintained for now. 现在就像我们看到的,通胀降低了,这个趋势是恰当的,当前应当维持。

  in recent decades

  But he said the focus of world attention had necessarily shifted in recent decades, towards China and South Asia. 但他还说道在最近几十年,全球目光的焦点几乎已经转移到中国和南亚了。