英语听力汇总   |   2013年6月英语四级作文预测:On E-waste






On E-waste

The rapid development of electronic products in the modem world has brought about an increasing amount of electronic junk. When we upgrade our computers, cell phones, PSPs and MP3 players, what do you suppose happens to the old devices? Some are resold to secondhand stores; others are sold for parts. But most are so outdated that no one will buy them, and their parts are obsolete. The result? Most end up in junk yards or landfills.

The electronics u:t these dumps are slowly doing great harm to our everyday lives. The chemicals used in the batteries, screens and other parts of the electronic products are slowlybeing absorbed by the land and are gradually showing up in our water and food. This can cause severe health and environmental problems.

In my opinion, this is a difficult problem to solve. I think there should be two approaches to solving it. First, companies should develop a plan for the proper recycling or disposal ofeachproduct they produce. Second, I believe that we consumers need to change our attitudes: weshould leam to be more content with the electronic devices we have and stop our mindless pursuit of newer and better things.