英语听力汇总   |   2013年6月英语四级作文预测:On Water Shortages






On Water Shortages

Water is necessary for every aspect oflife: drinking, cooking, washing, cleaning, growingfood, raising animals-the list goes on. Even our skin depends on humidity to stay healthy.

Without enough water, surviving becomes a huge challenge.

Yet today, many places in our country hce a severe water shortage. There are manyreasons for the shortage: There is the wasting of water on an individual level, such as takingIong showers or letting the water run constantly while brushing teeth or washing vegetables.

There is also the wasting ofwater on a corporate level, such as within companies, factories andfarming communities. Employees or 'farmers who have no sense of personal responsibility insaving water oflen leave water running in washrooms, on machinery or near farmland, creatinga tremendous amount ofwaste that affects the whole country.

How can we solve this water shortage problem? On an individual basis, we all must takeresponsibility in our daily lives and use as little water as possible. On a corporate level, localauthorities need to impose harsh punishment on water wasting by companies, factories andfarms.