英语听力汇总   |   2013年6月英语四级作文预测:On Low Carbon Living






On Low Carbon Living

Low carbon living is living in such a way as to make the least contribution of carbonemissions to the environment. For example, some people do not own private cars and even avoid taking taxis if possible. They choose trains rather than planes for long-distance trips, and take buses, ride bikes or even walk to places nearby.

Why is there such an interest in low carbon living? In recent years, environmentalists havebegun,.to suspect that carbon emissions from human society are a major contributing factor to the curKnt global warming phenomenon. The rapid increase in carbon emissions over the. past few decades has been alarming. Apart from the global warming issue, living a low carbon life can also be good for the health ofthe local environment.

To live a low carbon life myself, I take public transportation whenever and whereverpossible. It takes longer to travel, but I have found that I can do an amazing number of thingswhile on the bus or subway, from listening to English on my MP3 player to reading my favoritebooks. I hope more and more people will live a low carbon life for the sake of ourworld.