Thank you for inviting me to……感谢您邀请我参加……
I look forward to attending.我期待着参加。
Can I bring along a friend?我可以带一个朋友去吗?
Do you need me to bring anything?您要我带什么东西吗?
Let me know if it's alright to bring my children.请告诉我是否允许带孩子去?
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend.真不巧,我没办法参加。
I have a prior engagement.我此前有约了。
We wish you a successful event.预祝你们的活动成功。
Dear Jonathan,
Thanks for inviting me to attend the company picnic this Saturday. I think it will be a lot of fun.Is it alright if I bring my family along?Do you need us to bring anything?Just let me know.I'm looking forward to it.
See you Saturday.
Dear Mr. Snow,
We wish to thank you for your invitation to attend your company's 50th anniversary party. Unfortunately, we will not be able to attend this event due to a prior engagement.We wish you a successful event and congratulate your company for its achievements.
Liu Wencong