另外还有两种人,我们也可以用cookie这个字来称呼他们,这两种人就是:smart cookies 和tough cookies。Smart cookies和tough cookies可以指男的,也可以指女的。Smart就是聪明,所以,smart cookie就是那些脑子比较聪明一些的人。
For example:
When my sister was only ten years old I saw what a smart cookie she was going to be. And I was right; she's in Harvard medical school and she gets the highest grades in her class.
我们再来讲tough cookie。首先我们得知道tough这个字的意思。Tough在形容人的时候,它是指一个人很坚强,很有主意,不太会受别人的影响。这种tough cookies有的时候不受别人欢迎,但是他们往往会达到他们的目的。
For example:
Our boss is sure onetough cookie. If you don't work hard, he'll fire you from your job in a minute. The good thing is that he's fair-minded; do good work and he'll pay you top wages.