我只是做我的本职工作而已。I was just doing my job.
我在整个事情中只起了很小的作用。I played a small part in the whole thing.
哦,我同这件事没关系。Oh,I had very little to do with it.
别夸张了,根本就没你说得那么好。Please don`t exaggerate.It can`t be that good.
没什么,谁都会这么做的,真的。It was nothing.Anyone could have done it,really.
谢谢你能这么说。Thank you for saying so.
你这么说真好。It`s was nice of you to say so.
这得归功于我的朋友们,他们帮了我很大的忙。I own this to all my friends who helped me so much.
这不是什么大事。It`s no big deal.
哦,其实没什么。Oh,nothing to it,actually.
不值得一提。It`s nothing to speak of.
Responding to a compliment
Tom:Hi,Lucy.Nice to see you.
Lucy:Me too.
Tom:I was impressed yesterday when you won the English speech contest.You really deserved to win.
Lucy:Thank you.That`s very kind.
Tom:Your speech was excellent.
Lucy:Was it?
Tom:Sure.I really liked what you said about fixing the problems of pollution.It was very reasonable.I think you`re right,too.If people would just care a little more and work a little harder,the problem would solve itself.
Lucy:It was a real challenge speaking to such a big audience.I was scared but I felt good too.
Tom:Well,you were a real success and I think everyone agreed with what you said too.