1. 在发布会开始前,苹果CEO库克向受到飓风影响的人致辞,他说:
Our hearts go out to all of the people whose lives have been disrupted by Hurrican Irma and Hurricane Harvey. You are in our thoughts. We send you our strength. You are in our prayers.
our hearts go out to的意思是“深感同情”;“you are in our thoughts/prayers”表示我(们)会为你祈祷,我们与你同在。这两句话都是用来安慰别人。例如:You are in our thoughts and prayers. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
2. 形容词
amazing, magical, extrodinary, powerful, wonderful, phenomenal, creative, gorgeous, state of the art, cool, intelligent, capable, awesome, innovative, intuitive...
intuitive在发布会中至少出现了3次,用它形容产品是想强调“容易上手”,不用看说明书就会用。在介绍iPhone X的时候演讲者说的一段话可以解释intuitive的意思:
It's that simple, that easy. It's incredibly smooth. Once you do it for the first time, you will know there has never been a better way.
3. 熟词生义
We have a beautiful new gold alumnium finish along with silver and space gray.
Last year, we introduced a white ceramic watch. This year we are adding a ceranuc watch in a gorgeous gray finish.
It comes in silver, space gray, and a beautiful new gold finish.
我意识到这可能是一个熟词生义的现象,查了下字典,发现它可以表示“抛光”-- the appearance of a surface, for example whether it is smooth or rough。
4. 学个萌表达
Hey, Tim I don't know what protocol is, but I would like to call dibs on fox for my favorite emoji.
听到call dibs on这个表达,我想到了3年前写的学习笔记。你看,学英语无非就是日积月累。在没有确定属于谁的情况下,谁先喊dibs就是谁的了,这个dibs可以理解为是rights, claims。
7. 和Tim Cook学连读
last year, this year (语音的同化现象)
go out, state of the art (元音的的连读现象)
iPhone 8(辅音+元音的连读,/aifoʊn eɪt/)