Affair这个词本来指的是“事情”,但在恋爱婚姻方面它表示“婚外情”(extramarital affair)。这个短语指的是“有外遇”、“有婚外情”。
例:He divorced his wife after he discovered that she was having an affair.
2. Two-time
本来恩爱的两人,中间跑出了第三个人,“第三者”、“小三”在英语中被称为the other woman/man。而一段关系中对感情不忠的那个人,英文则用two-timer来表示。动词two-time则表示“劈腿”、“脚踏两只船”。
例:One of my friends has just been two-timed by her boyfriend. I feel really sorry for her.
3. Cheat on sb
Cheat大家都知道是欺骗的意思,但这个固定搭配多指感情上背叛了对方,对另一半不忠。经常在恋人背后出轨的人,俚语里也叫love rat,指“爱情骗子”。
例:He was caught cheating on his wife.
4. A bit on the side
On the side指的是主要以外的,也就是另外的,副业的。 如果说a girlfriend on the side则表示一名已婚人士或者一个有女友的人在外面另有新欢。而上面的短语则表示“婚外情”。
例:I spotted Harry at the diner with a woman much younger than his wife. She must be his bit on the side.
5. Sleep around
Walk around咱们都知道是四处走,那么sleep around是到处睡咯?这个词组指的是跟很多人有染。
例:I heard he sleeps around.