1. single woman over 27/unmarried female above the age of 27
2. leftover woman
第2种翻译是直译,其中leftover一词和中文的“剩”精确对应,Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English对leftover的解释是:remaining after all the rest has been used, taken, or eaten。
“Shengnu” literally means "a leftover woman". It refers to a single woman who is above the age of 27. “剩女”的字面意思是“被别人选剩下的女人”,用来指过了27岁的单身女性。
Emotional advert about China's 'leftover women' goes viral
By Heather Chen
8 April 2016
Single women over 27 in China are known as "leftover women"
The issue of unmarried females, often stigmatised as "sheng nu" or leftover women, has long been a topic of concern in a society that prioritises marriage and motherhood for women.
By government definition, a "leftover woman" refers to any unmarried female above the age of 27