英语听力汇总   |   用英语聊聊医疗保险(二)







A: It seems you really know a lot about insurance.

J: Well, I'm pretty serious about insurance. I have two life insurance policies as well as casualty and accident insurance.

A: Wow. I only buy insurance when I'm forced to. I have auto insurance, but that's required by law.


J: You should think about doing some research. Sometimes you can find policies that are actually a pretty good investment. Some policies allow you to pay for say, 20 years, and then you can collect a monthly check from the insurance company.

Jane说,自己不仅有医疗保险,还有两份人寿保险,life insurance policies,和意外伤害保险,casualty and accident insurance。她建议Andy不妨找找看,因为有时保险也是一种不错的投资,比如说,有些保险付满20年后,就可以每月从保险公司领取一张支票。

A: That's very interesting. I think you missed your calling! You should have been an insurance agent!

J: Actually, I worked for an insurance company when I was in my 20s.

A: Right...no wonder you're so knowledgeable. So what about things like braces for my crooked teeth? Can I claim that from my company policy?

J: This company only provides limited dental coverage. If you broke a tooth on the job, that would be covered, but things like braces or teeth-whitening are considered cosmetic procedures and you have to pay the lion's share.

Andy开玩笑说,Jane应该去卖保险,她真是选错了职业,you missed your calling,calling在这里是职业的意思。Jane说,自己20几岁时确实在保险公司干过,No wonder she is so knowledgeable(难怪她知道这么多)。ANDY又问,如果是牙齿整形,公司的医疗保险管不管,牙齿不整齐,可以说crooked teeth, 牙齿矫形器是braces。Jane说,公司的牙齿保健保险很有限,整形和漂白(teeth-whitening)都属于cosmetic procedures(美容),大部分钱要由个人出,you have to pay the lion's share. lion's share 意思是主要部分。

A: So how should I go about finding out if the medical procedure I need is covered?

J: You should probably speak to your doctor and get some paperwork describing what you need. Then you can talk to the insurance company. But remember, some of your medical expenses won't be covered and you'll have to pay them yourself.

A: I understand. Thanks a bunch. I think I understand the process better now.
