英语听力汇总   |   “办公室恋情”如何表白(二)





Dan偷偷喜欢女同事Julie,King给他打气,鼓励他约Julie出去。在上期口语节目中,King教给Dan表白的3S原则:sweet, straightforward和sincere,我们来看看Dan打算怎么约Julie出去吧!

Dan: So what should I say?

King: Tell the truth! Say, "Hi Julie, I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out this Saturday? I know a great sushi place."

D: Just like that? Don't you think I'll scare her?

K: Both you and Julie are adults, and that's the way adults communicate with each other. If you're worried about being too direct, you should make it a group event and invite her along.




D: The whole process just seems so scary.

K: You know what's really scary? The idea that two people might be perfect for each other, but they're too afraid to talk to each other...now that's a frightening thought. What a waste!

D: That's a good point.

King建议Dan直截了当,约Julie出去吃饭,但如果Dan不想过于直接的话,可以make it a group event and invite her along(组织一次集体活动,邀请Julie一起去)。King还鼓励Dan说,如果两个人原本很相配, 但却因为彼此不敢主动去跟对方搭讪而擦肩而过,那才是最可怕的。What a waste!(太可惜了)。

K: What's the worst thing that could happen?

D: She rejects me.

K: And is that so bad?

D: No, I guess not. How do you meet your wife anyway?

K: I walked up to her on a subway car and said, "Hi, I'm King. What's your name?" Three years later we were married.

D: Wow! All right...I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask her out.

K: Well, here's your chance. She's started walking this way. Go for it!

D: Hey, Julie.

J: Hi Dan. How are you doing?

D: I'm good, thanks! Say, a couple of us are thinking about having dinner and maybe going to aKaraoke bar this Saturday night. Are you free to join us?

J: Sure! I'd love to. What time should I meet you?

D: How about 7:30?

J: Great! I'll see you then. Have a nice day, Dan! Bye!

D: You too! See you on Saturday!

K: See? That wasn't so hard, was it?

D: That was amazing! I'm totally on cloud nine right now! Thanks, dude!

K: No problem, and I hope it works out for the two of you.

D: It's really true: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"

K: You got it!

Dan跟Julie说,办公室几个人星期六晚上打算一起出去吃饭,吃完饭去唱卡拉OK,问Julie想不想一起去,Julie欣然接受。Dan说,I'm totally on cloud nine(我实在是太高兴了。)King说,“I hope it works out for the two of you” ,意思是祝Dan和Julie好运,能交往愉快。