To cover one's tracks意思就是掩盖行踪/计划。上面的例子中,The accountant was able to cover his tracks for a long time before his scheme was finally discovered.(这位会计长期隐瞒证据,直到他的阴谋被发现。)下面我们再来看一个例子,看看一名罪犯越狱之后是如何掩饰自己行踪的:
例句1:The prisoner escaped weeks ago. The police had a hard time finding her because she covered her tracks. She was careful not to use her real name and she kept traveling from one state to another. When her photo appeared on TV, a viewer reported seeing her. And she was finally captured.
Cover one's tracks也不一定都是干坏事,这个短语也可以用来表示“掩盖计划、隐藏证据等”。
例句2:Mom and Dad have no idea that we're organizing a party to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. So far we've been pretty good at covering our tracks. If we let them think that we and the other guests have other plans that weekend, they won't find out what's really happening. Then it'll be a big surprise!