Can you be honest with me for a sec? I really need to talk. Why aren't you answering me?
I feel like I'm fighting for someone that doesn't want to be fought for.
I love you. I just don't think I'm worth it to you.
I have no one to talk to and the only person I want to talk to is you, and I can't.
I have so many questions I wanna ask you but I don't want you to hate me more than you already do.
Listen, I cared, but all I wanted was to be your first.
Hey I know this is completely out of line but you were the best person I have ever been with.
I really hope you are doing well. I know you were always better than me. You did nothing wrong, I'm so sorry for the way I left things.
I will never stop caring about you. That's an eternal promise.
I just need to know. I need to know if there is seriously 100% no chance.
Why do you keep saying that. It doesn't fix anything.
I can't be your friend anymore. I've tried for 6 months now and my love for you hasn't gone away. I can't keep seeing you with other girls or hearing about it without being hurt.
You are a beautiful smart funny caring girl. And we've had some amazing times together. We lost it somewhere along the way and I don't think it was your fault or mine.