1. You’re such a chicken, you won’t even give skiing a try!
2. He called me a chicken just because I didn’t want to swim in the ice cold water!
3. Don’t be such a chicken, just ask her out!
To play chicken - 意思是较量看看到底谁胜谁负 chicken out 意思是服输退出的意思。
1. The company chairman is playing chicken with the shareholders. He knows that the share price will go down if they sack him so he's betting they will back down.
The people in the photograph above were attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the most people wearing animal noses at a single venue. 607 people took part in the recent event in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It involved them wearing the beaks for 11 minutes and 39 seconds and breaking the record!
图中的人们试图打破一项吉尼斯世界纪录:在同一个时间同一个地点佩戴动物鼻子的人数最高。这项活动在美国密歇安州大瀑布城举行,总共有607人参加。他们佩戴鸡鼻的人坚持了 11 分钟 39 秒,打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。