1. The body has a built-in ability to heal itself. (x)
The body has an inbuilt ability to heal itself. (√)
built-in表“内建/置的”,主要用来说明机械或仪器中的装置,如:The gadget has a built-in camera.(这个玩意儿内置一个相机。) inbuilt 或 in-built则专门用来说明某人/物,“天生自然”的特质。
2. Despite its big, the Mercedes handles like a small car.(x)
Despite its bulk, the Mercedes handles like a small car. (√)
Despite its (big) size, the Mercedes handles like a small car. (√)
big是形容词,不能作名词用。表人/物的体型“庞大”时,应该用bulk 或size。
3. The entire journey was a choppy ride. (x)
The entire journey was a bumpy ride.(√)
choppy表水面“波涛汹涌的”,如:Our boat was sailing on the choppy water.(我们的船正行驶在波涛汹涌的水面上。) bumpy 表路面或旅程“颠簸难行的”。
4. "Shorty" is a byword for the duke.(x)
"Shorty" is a nickname for the duck. (√)
be a byword for sth (非sb) 表“……是某种特性/点之别名或代名词”,如:"Rolex" is now a byword for quality (“劳力士”是品质保证的一个代名词。)nickname是称呼某人的“绰号”或“昵称”。
5. I need a towel and a soap.(x)
I need a towel and a cake of soap. (√)
soap (肥皂) 一般为不可数名词,须在前面加.‘单位”。“一块肥皂”的说法是a cake /bar of soap。
6. It must be a calculating crime.(x)
It must be a calculated crime. (√)
calculating是“精打细算的”,如:Mr. Li is a calculating businessman.(李先生是一位精打细算的生意人。) calculated是“事先计划好的”或“蓄意的”。
7. It takes a man like your caliber to complete the mission. (x)
It takes a man of your caliber to complete the mission. (√)
caliber本指“枪/炮的口径”,引申为“人的才干”。of your / his / my caliber为固定用法。
8. Mary called in to say sick this morning.(x)
Mary called in sick this morning. (√)
call in sick是“打电话来请病假”,为固定用法。
9. The countryside will provide a calm environment. (x)
The countryside will provide a peaceful environment. (√)
calm是“平静的”之意,尤指在一阵动乱之后的平静,如:The city is calm again after yesterday's riots.(经过昨天的暴动之后.这个城市恢复了平静。) peaceful指“安静的”。
10. The scandal has attracted a host of photographers.(x)
The scandal has attracted a host of cameramen. (√)