英语听力汇总   |   英文常见病句300句精选十则十






  1. Turn off the TV, and turn off the computer also.(x)

  Turn off the TV, and turn off the computer too /as well.(√)

  also不可置于句末。置于句末须用too / as well。

  2. My uncle has also a villa around here.(x)

  My uncle also has a villa around here.(√)

  The little boy also can turn a somersault.(x)

  The little boy can also turn a somersault.(√)

  The king also was a philosopher.(x)

  The king was also a philosopher.(√)


  3. Why don't you try alternate medicine?(x)

  Why don't you try alternative medicine?(√)

  alternate除了当动词,表“轮流”或“交替”外,也可作形容词用,如:I go and visit my grandfather on alternate Sundays.(我每两个星期去探望我祖父一次,都在星期天。) alternative medicine表“另类疗法”,为固定用法。

  4. Although we all did our best, but we lost the game.(x)

  Although we all did our best, we lost the game. (√)

  We all did our best, but we lost the game.仗)

  although 和 but不能连用,须择一使用。

  5. I can't stay. I'll have a coffee, although. (x)

  I can't stay. I'll have a coffee, though.(√)


  6. A few rare animals may be extinct all together.(x)

  A few rare animals may be extinct altogether.(√)

  all together是“一起”的意思。“一起绝种”实际上不可能。其用法如:It's been a long time since we were all together.(我们大家己经很久没有在一起了。)altogether =completely,是“完全”的意思。

  7. Mr. Jones is an amateurish photographer.(x)

  Mr. Jones is an amateur photographer. (√)

  amateurish是形容词,意为“非专业的”,用来形容事物,如:The accusation is described as crude and amateurish.(这项指控被形容为既粗糙又不够专业。)an amateur


  8. Two articles need to be mended. (x)

  Two articles need to be amended. (√)

  mend意为“修理/补”,如:It is never too late to mend.(亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。) amend通常是指“对法令、条款的修正”。

  9. I hope you can make amend for my loss.(x)

  I hope you can make amends for my loss. (√)

  make amends for=make up for = compensate for,表“弥补……”。

  10. The chairman was forced to step down among a wave of opposition. (x)

  The chairman was forced to step down amid a wave of opposition. (√)

  among表“在三个或以上的具体人或事物当中”,如:A new mayor will be elected from among the three candidates.(新市长将从三位候选人当中选举产生。)amid表“在较为抽象的情绪反应或笑闹声中”。