英语听力汇总   |   on again, off again 时断时续





我昨天收到了大学室友寄来的一张生日贺卡,让我感慨万千。一眨眼,大学毕业已经好多年了,虽然我们一直保持联系,但是大家都在为生活奔波,所以每年也只有逢年过节才会互通信息。这倒让我想起了我们今天要学的习惯用语,叫:on again, off again.

On again, off again这个习惯用语的意思是断断续续的。就好像我毕业后跟大学室友的联络一样,on again, off again. 时断时续。下面例子里的这个远足爱好者打算退出自己的远足俱乐部。让我们看看他是怎么想的。

例句-1:I'm thinking of dropping out of my hiking club. It's not that I don't like getting out and exploring some of the great trails in the area. But one month there might be an outing every week, then the next there's only one. I'd prefer a schedule of hikes that's not so on again, off again.


这倒让我想起了我妹妹的那些男朋友,也许是因为她住在加州,那里的男人更不愿意安定下来吧。她每次交男朋友,都是几个月的热度,然后男方就会失去兴趣,但又藕断丝连,过一段时间又回来给她打电话。让我妹妹十分苦恼。这种on again, off again时断时续的交往方式并不适合她。


例句-2:The last neighborhood committee never got much done. Perhaps it was because of all the on again, off again meetings they had. But now, the new leaders get together regularly. As a result, they've been able to improve public safety, organize civic events and accomplished a lot that's made our area a nicer place to live.



大家猜猜看,这个习惯用语是怎么来的?有些语言学家说, on again, off again这个习惯用语最早是指那些并不严重的火车事故,因为火车刚刚出现的时候,经常会脱离轨道,过一会儿又会自己重新回到轨道上去,因此就有了on again, off again的说法。