40年前,兵马俑的奇迹之门被打开,"世界第八大奇迹"出现在众人眼前。为庆祝秦兵马俑发现40周年,China Daily手机报推出口语特别策划"走近兵马俑",在带您穿越历史长河、探索这些人类智慧与艺术结晶背后故事的同时,讲述孕育这段历史的神秘土壤——西安的前世今生,并向您介绍相关词汇、句式的地道英语表达。
Are the warriors naked?
F: I heard that the Terra-Cotta Warriors are naked, but the ones I saw at a museum were wearing armor and clothing. So is the naked story a myth?
M: Well, it's really more about a bad translation than myth. There are no naked warriors. But the originals were painted in bright colors, and the paint has been lost to the passing centuries and the excavation process.
F: Oh, I didn't know that. So it's impossible to see them with their original colors?
M: Many of them have those original pigments, but they disintegrated when the statues were excavated. That's one reason the government asked the archaeologists to slow down their work. The experts are hoping to find a way to save the original paint on the warriors that have not been exposed to the air.
口语君:myth作名词除了神话的意思外,还可以指"很多人相信,但其实并不存在或错误的事物"(=fallacy)。例如: It is time to dispel the myth of a classless society. (是时候消除存在无阶级社会的误传了。) 又如:Contrary to the popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men. (与广为人知的误传相反,女司机并不比男司机差。)
1. The statues of the infantry soldiers range between 5 foot 8 inches and 6 foot 2 inches; the commanders are 6 and half feet tall.
2. Terracotta Figures were found to be painted in red, green, blue, yellow, purple, brown, white, black, pink, vermilion, etc.
3. The pigments were artificially produced from cinnabar, charcoal, malachite and azurite as well as barium copper silicate.
4. The terracotta figures have gone through a natural process of 2,200 years decay, the lacquer cracks and peels off once the warriors were exposure to the air, taking any remaining pigment with it.