40年前,兵马俑的奇迹之门被打开,"世界第八大奇迹"出现在众人眼前。为庆祝秦兵马俑发现40周年,China Daily手机报推出口语特别策划"走近兵马俑",在带您穿越历史长河、探索这些人类智慧与艺术结晶背后故事的同时,讲述孕育这段历史的神秘土壤——西安的前世今生,并向您介绍相关词汇、句式的地道英语表达。
What else can you see in Xi'an?
F: What else can you see and do in Xi'an?
M: The old city wall is still intact, and you can walk all the way around or rent a bike to explore it.
F: Isn't there a famous mosque?
M: Yes, the Great Mosque is said to date from the 8th century, though many of the present buildings in the complex date from the Ming and Qing dynasties. The mosque is set in a beautiful park, and you can walk along popular pedestrian streets to enjoy all kinds of street food on your way to the mosque. It's delicious!
1. The Great Mosque is the oldest and one of the most renowned mosques in China, founded in 742.
2. However, the majority of the existing Xi'an Great Mosque was constructed during the Ming Dynasty and further expanded in the Qing Dynasty. It was built and renovated in later periods.
3. It remains a popular tourist site in Xi'an, and is still used by Chinese Muslims (mainly the Hui people) today as a place of worship.
4. Unlike most mosques in Middle Eastern or Arab countries, the Great Mosque of Xi'an is completely Chinese in its construction and architectural style, except for some Arabic lettering and decorations, for the mosque has neither domes nor traditional-style minarets.