鼠 Rat/Mouse
牛 Ox
虎 Tiger
兔 Rabbit
龙 Dragon
蛇 Snake
马 Horse
羊 Sheep
猴 Monkey
鸡 Rooster
狗 Dog
猪 Boar/Pig
如果要说“我属羊”,那就是:I was born in/under the Year of the Sheep。介词用 in 或 under 都可以。
Since I am a Sheep in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year.
在英语里,“本命年” 的地道说法是year of fate或者animal year, 此外也可以看到把“本命年”翻译为 birth year和 big year的。
This year is my year of fate.
This year is my animal year.
This year is my birth year.
This year is my big year.