英语听力汇总   |   中国人在美国:口语表达也要入乡随俗(06)






“My old man is a pretty remarkable person,”Heloise smiled。“All I have to do is give a loud cry and he wakes up,climbs out of his warm bed,puts on his slippers in the dark,turns on the light,and hurries to my room bearing a gift that's guaranteed to silence me!What a guy,that old man of mine!I wonder where my old lady met him?”In colloquial speech,someone’s old man is his or her father,husband or boyfriend。His or her old lady is his/her mother,wife or girlfriend。

“我的old man是个讨人喜欢的人,”荷露易丝得意的说,“只要我大声哭,他就会醒来,爬出他温暖的被窝,摸黑穿上拖鞋,打开灯,急忙跑到我的房间用一个让我不哭的玩具哄我!old man是我老爸!真不知妈妈怎么碰到这个好人?” ”old man“ 是一个俗语,比喻父亲,丈夫或男朋友。”old lady“则是指母亲,妻子或女朋友!

27.Go Wild

圣诞节过后去上班,一见到我那位美国朋友,互相问候之后,她说,“You went wild this Christmas。”




28. A Man of Means

我的英语程度比同班同学好......有一天我们老师在家中举行了一个Party,并且特别介绍了一位青年企业家让我们认识,她说这位青年事业成功,是一位“a man of means”。


后来,当我们知道“a man of means”在这儿是当“有钱人”解释时真是无地自容!

29.Dead meat

合同工Jerry不是很受欢迎,所以他走时,大家也都松了一口气。第二天早晨见Lori坐在Jerry原来的位置上,我就开玩笑地冲她说:“Hi jerry!”其他人听了都笑了,且说我可真mean(“坏”的意思)。果然,再见到Lori时候,她就对我说“Dead meat。”


原来“Dead meat”是指“You are in trouble”。就像是中文里一方和另一方开玩笑后,另一方会说:“好吧,这下你麻烦了,我要给你点颜色看看”,和Dead meat的表层意思一点关系都没有!

30.At one's peak

A person at his/her peak has reached the highest level of his/her capability. An athlete may feel he /she at his/her peak at a certain time of the day or after a certain amount of exercise. Someone else may think he is at his peak when he is well-rested. The same term can define someone who has attained the highest level of his/her individual achievement in life。“My grandfather decided to retire once he felt he was no longer at his peak。”

Peak是山峰。“At one‘s peak“比喻人在某方面得才能或成就已经登峰造极。对于一个运动员来说,一天的某个时间或经过一定训练后,他/她处于最佳状态。一个人如果休息的很好,可以认为他的精神状态处于颠峰。这个短语也可以比喻一个人一生中最辉煌的阶段。例如:”祖父觉得自己的颠峰时刻已过,便决定退休!“