Sheldon: What, now… do you have company?
Penny: No. No, no, no. You know what? Th- The toilet’s been doing that. I called the building manager, so…
Sheldon: Oh, I can take a look at it. I’m quite familiar with plumbing. *Not to brag, but I spent most of fifth grade with my head in a toilet.
Penny: Yeah, no, no, no. You know what, Sheldon, it’s okay. You don’t have to go into the bathroom.
Sheldon: That’s curious. If there’s no one here, why are there two glasses of wine on the table?
Penny: Oh. Well, you know, I- I’ve got two hands and a bit of a drinking problem.
Sheldon: Of course. Ask a silly question. That’s odd.
Penny: Um, what?
Sheldon: There are takeout containers in the trash can.
Penny: So? That’s my dinner from last night.
Sheldon: What’s odd is they’re in the trash can.
Penny: Ok. Look, honey, I promise there’s no one’s here. I’ve had a long day. I just want to have a quiet dinner by myself.
Sheldon: Oh, very well. I’m no stranger to enjoying the pleasure of solitude.
* Not to brag: 表示不是吹牛。 Brag 在英文里的意思是“吹牛,吹嘘”。除了“not to brag”可以告诉别人你不是在吹牛,还可以说“I don't mean to brag, but…” 我不是故意要吹牛,不过……(后面就说说自己如何能干吧)。