Boehner earlier told reporters there never had been an agreement between the sides on the $33 billion figure and accused the White House of using "smoke and mirrors" accounting to get to the number.
文中的smoke and mirrors就是指“歪曲真相,欺骗性行为”,最初是指马戏团的魔术师进行表演时,有时会放出一些烟雾来分散你的注意力,掩饰魔术的奥秘,如今也频频出现于政治性文字或演说中,被一方用来攻击另一方歪曲真相的所作所为。
如果两党还不能就预算案达成一致,美国政府将面临government shutdown(政府关门)的窘境,给80万公务员“放大假”。我们再来看看这里的“放大假”该怎么说:
A government shutdown could see hundreds of thousands of federal employees furloughed, national parks closed and non-essential services halted when the money approved by Congress for their operations runs out at midnight on Friday.
Furlough就是指“暂时解雇,休假”。“正处于休假期”就可以用on furlough来表示。这里的“准假、休假”通常是因为发不出工资引起的。