In response to critics, the university denied having a policy asking students to participate in "relationship registration". It said the forms were released by a group of students who thought the questions offered a good means of learning about the relationships of their classmates.
在上面的报道中,relationship registration就是“恋爱登记”。Relationship这个词在英语中常用来指代男女之间的“恋爱关系”,比如,long-distance relationship(异地恋),relationship expert(恋爱专家)等。现在虽然有real-name reporting(实名举报)、ID-based ticket booking system(实名购票制)等各种“实名制”,但是real-name relationship registration(恋爱实名制登记)确实会让很多人无法接受。
相比“恋爱实名制”,日本一家公司推出的heartache leave(失恋假)则更合理,它让员工有时间进行mental adjustment(心理调节),从failure in love / disappointment in love(失恋)的阴霾中走出来。