英语听力汇总   |   2024年6月英语六级真题听力第二套Recording 3原文





当提及六级听力时,尤其是英语六级真题听力,我们不禁会想起那些考验英语学习者听力理解能力的挑战。作为英语六级考试的重要组成部分,六级听力部分不仅要求考生能够捕捉和识别出基本的语言信息,更需要他们在有限的时间内对复杂的语境进行准确理解,并快速作出反应。小编为大家整理了2024年6月英语六级真题听力第二套Recording 3的内容,希望能对您有所帮助!



Recording 3


John Denn, the English poet, wrote in a 17th century, "No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." Now, a British academic has claimed that human individuality is indeed just an allusion, because societies are far more interconnected at a mental, physical, and cultural level than people realize.


In his new book, "The Self Delusion," Professor Tom Oliver, a researcher in the Ecology and Evolution Group at the University of Reading, argues that there is no such thing as self, and not even our bodies are truly us. Just as Copernicus realized the earth is not the center of the universe, Professor Oliver said society urgently needs a Copernican-like revolution to understand that people are not detached beams, but rather part of one connected identity.


A significant milestone in the cultural evolution of human minds was the acceptance that the earth is not the center of the universe, the so-called Copernican Revolution, he writes. However, we have one more big myth to dispose of: that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe. You may feel as if you are an independent individual acting autonomously in the world, that you have an unchanging inner self that persists throughout your lifetime, acting as a central anchor point with the world changing around you. This is the illusion I seek to tackle. We are intimately connected to the world around us.


Professor Oliver argues that there are around 37 trillion cells in the body, but most have a lifespan of just a few days or weeks. So, the material us is constantly changing. In fact, there is no part of your body that has existed for more than 10 years, since our bodies are essentially made anew every few weeks. The material in them alone is clearly insufficient to explain the persistent thread of an identity.


Professor Oliver claims that individualism is actually bad for society, and only by realizing we are part of a bigger entity can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems. Through selfish overconsumption, we are destroying the natural world and using non-renewable resources at an accelerating rate. We are at a critical crossroads as a species where we must rapidly reform our mindsets and behavior to act in less selfish ways, he said. So, let's open our eyes to the hidden connections all around us.


Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.


Question 22: What is indeed just an illusion according to Professor Tom Oliver?


Question 23: What does Professor Tom Oliver think of the idea that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe?


Question 24: Why does Professor Tom Oliver claim that the material "us" is constantly changing?


Question 25: How can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems according to Professor Tom Oliver?


2024年6月英语六级真题听力第二套Recording 3的发布,为考生提供了宝贵的备考资料,助力他们提升听力成绩,顺利通过考试。