英语听力汇总   |   2024年6月英语六级真题听力第二套Passage 1原文





当提及六级听力时,尤其是英语六级真题听力,我们不禁会想起那些考验英语学习者听力理解能力的挑战。作为英语六级考试的重要组成部分,六级听力部分不仅要求考生能够捕捉和识别出基本的语言信息,更需要他们在有限的时间内对复杂的语境进行准确理解,并快速作出反应。小编为大家整理了2024年6月英语六级真题听力第二套Passage 1的内容,希望能对您有所帮助!



Passage 1


Dietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world. While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines, one question has recently stirred: should consumers be warned to avoid ultra-processed foods? 


Two papers published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition outline the case for and against using the concept of ultra-processed foods to help inform dietary guidelines beyond conventional food classification systems. The authors, Carlos Monteiro of the University of São Paulo and Arne Astrup of Novo Nordisk Foundation, will discuss the issue in a live virtual debate on August 14th during Nutrition 2024 live online. 

今天,《美国临床营养学杂志》发表了两篇论文,分别阐述了在常规食品分类系统之外,使用超加工食品概念来制定膳食指南的赞成和反对意见。作者分别是圣保罗大学的卡洛斯·蒙特罗(Carlos Monteiro)和诺和诺德基金会的阿恩·阿斯特鲁普(Arne Astrup),他们将在2024年营养学在线会议期间的8月14日进行一场线上实时辩论。

The debate centers around a system developed by Monteiro and colleagues that classifies foods by their degree of industrial processing, ranging from unprocessed to ultra-processed. The system defines ultra-processed foods as those made using sequences of processes that extract substances from foods and alter them with chemicals in order to formulate the final product. Ultra-processed foods are characteristically designed to be cheap, tasty, and convenient. Examples include soft drinks, candy, packaged snacks, pastries, ready-to-heat products, and reconstituted meat products. 


Studies have linked consumption of ultra-processed foods, which are often high in salt, sugar, and fat, with weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases, even after adjusting for the amount of salt, sugar, and fat in the diet. While the mechanisms behind these associations are not fully understood, Monteiro argues that the existing evidence is sufficient to justify discouraging consumption of ultra-processed foods in dietary recommendations and government policies.


Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.


Question 9: What question is said to have recently stirred debate?


Question 10: How does the system developed by Monteiro and colleagues classify foods?


Question 11: What is consumption of ultra-processed foods linked with according to studies?


2024年6月英语六级真题听力第二套Passage 1的发布,为考生提供了宝贵的备考资料,助力他们提升听力成绩,顺利通过考试。