当提及六级听力时,尤其是英语六级真题听力,我们不禁会想起那些考验英语学习者听力理解能力的挑战。作为英语六级考试的重要组成部分,六级听力部分不仅要求考生能够捕捉和识别出基本的语言信息,更需要他们在有限的时间内对复杂的语境进行准确理解,并快速作出反应。小编为大家整理了2024年6月英语六级真题听力第一套Recording 3的内容,希望能对您有所帮助!
Recording 3
NASA published a paper in 1989 claiming that house plants can soak up pollution and toxic chemicals. Businesses and homeowners have increasingly invested in greenery to help clean their air.
But a new analysis suggests it could actually take more than 1,000 plants per square meter to gain a benefit any greater than simply opening a couple of windows.
The problem lies in the fact that NASA conducted its tests in sealed containers that do not simulate the conditions in most people's homes or offices.
The space agency was primarily concerned about keeping the air fresh for astronauts cut off in biospheres or space stations, and helping to combat sick building syndrome, which had become a problem due to the super-insulated and energy-efficient offices of the late 1970s.
By the early 1980s, workers regularly complained of skin rashes, sleepiness, headaches, and allergies as they breathed in toxic chemicals from paints and plastics. NASA found that certain plants could remove chemicals from the air.
Even today, garden sensors recommend the plants for air cleaning properties. However, a new evaluation of dozens of studies spanning 30 years found that house plants in a normal environment have little impact.
In fact, natural ventilation is far better at cleaning the air. The researchers also calculated the clean air delivery rate for plants in the studies they analyzed and found that the rate at which plants dispersed the compounds was well below the usual rates of air exchange in a normal building caused by the movement of people coming and going, opening doors and windows.
Many of the studies did show a reduction in the concentration of volatile organic compounds over time, which is likely why people have seized on them to praise the air-purifying virtues of plants. But the researchers' calculation showed it would take 10 to 1,000 plants per square meter of floor space to compete with the air cleaning capacity of a building's air handling system or even just a couple of open windows in a house.
In contrast, NASA's sealed experiment recommended one pot plant per 100 square feet. This is certainly an example of how scientific findings can be misleading or misinterpreted over time. But it is also a great example of how scientific research should continually reexamine and question findings to get closer to the ground truth of understanding what is actually happening.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
Question 22: What does NASA's 1989 paper claim house plants can do?
Question 23: What is said to be the problem with NASA's study reported in its 1989 paper?
Question 24: What is the finding of a new evaluation of dozens of studies spanning 30 years?
Question 25: What does NASA's sealed experiment recommendation exemplify in scientists' pursuit of truth?
2024年6月英语六级真题听力第一套Recording 3的发布,为考生提供了宝贵的备考资料,助力他们提升听力成绩,顺利通过考试。