英语听力汇总   |   2020年9月英语四级听力真题(含音频) 短文(2)





英语四级听力真题对备考四级的重要性不言而喻,听力在四级考试中的占比不小,同学们还需努力,尽量少丢分。以下是小编整理的关于2020年9月英语四级听力真题(含音频) 短文(2)的资料,希望对备考四级的同学们有所帮助!

At just 12 years old, Mike Hannon is making a difference in his community. One lunch at a time, Mike's lunches of love has fed more than 2000 of the town's most vulnerable residents. Mike delivers meals to the homeless. "It's like a way to give people joy, maybe spark something in them that can change them, Mike told WBCTV. The mayor of Mike' s town feels that Mike is a great community leader, especially in such times of so much negative news, while his father commented on how proud he was of his son. Yet, Mike isn't looking for praise but kindness in return. He hopes his acts of charity will influence others to spread positive actions in their own towns. Mike includes a handwritten message of joy on each bag. His message and star power has spread all over the country. To date, his online page to raise funds has brought in more than 44,000 dollars in a county, raising more than 17,000 dollars in just one day with the help of many famous actors and others. People from all over the country are sending special handcrafted bags to help the young man with his mission to help those in need. Many are hoping the simple act of kindness spreads, like is seen as hope for the future of the town, the country, and the world.

迈克·汉农12岁就已经在社区做出了一番事业。 一次一份,迄今为止,迈克的爱心午餐已经惠及镇上2000多名最脆弱的居民。迈克给无家可归的人送饭。“也算是给大家带来快乐的一种方式吧,说不定还能从他们身上激发出一些能够改变他们的东西呢,”迈克告诉WBCTV。连迈克所在镇的镇长都认为,迈克算得上是一位伟大的社区领袖,尤其是在当今这样一个负面消息爆棚的时代,迈克的父亲也表示为自己的儿子感到十分的骄傲。然而,迈克寻求的并不是表扬,而是投桃报李。他希望,自己的助人为乐行为能够激励他人在他们各自的城镇传播正能量。每个袋子上都有迈克手写的暖心寄语。如今,他的理念和人气已经传遍全国。到目前为止,他的在线募捐网页在一个县就筹集到了逾4.4万美元的资金,在许多著名演员及其他人的帮助下,仅一天就筹集到了超1.7万美元。全国各地的人纷纷寄来特殊的手工袋子,帮助这位年轻人完成他帮助需要帮助的人的使命。许多人希望这一简单的善举能够传播开来,像现在这样被当作一个城市、一个国家乃至整个世界未来的希望被传播开来。

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.


Question 19: What does Mike Hannon do to help people in his town?


Question 20: What does Mike hope others will do?


Question 21: How are people all over country responding to what Mike is doing?
