英语听力汇总   |   那些提笔就忘的雅思词汇





  数量词一直是英语学习的一个纠结点。我们时时挂在嘴边的词无外乎few,some和many这3个,但你真的分清楚它们的用法了吗?few 和a few是同义词还是反义词?老师讲了很多遍,一做题就做错有木有,这些数量词成了心里永远的痛,不过你的痛有救了。


  1. There’s no people here。


  2. I have a dream – making you happy。


  3. I have few problems with my computer, it’s not bad。


  注:few 强调的是“数量极少”,表达“与没有差不多”的意思,但并不是完全没有,相当于汉语“一丁点儿”、“几乎没”,使用时需注意。

  4. I have a few problems with my computer, it’s not good。


  5. I have some questions for you, but it won’t take you too much time。



  7. Candy has a number of fans。


  8. Sherlock has a great number of fans, more than Candy。


  9. Amy has a huge number of fans, more than Sherlock。


  10. Jane has countless supporters in the world。


  11. There are an infinity of stars in space。
