英语听力汇总   |   雅思词汇:奥运会词汇





athlete 运动员

参考例句:The athlete is checked by their physio or doctor 由专用理疗师或医生为运动员做检查

referee 裁判

参考例句:He is clearly too partisan to be a referee 他倾向性过于明显,当不了裁判

volunteer 志愿者

参考例句:The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week 志愿者记录下他们一周所吃的所有食物

ceremony 开幕式

参考例句: She then decided right before the opening to make a dramatic announcement 然后就在开幕式开始之前,她决定要宣布一件激动人心的事情

closing ceremony 闭幕式

参考例句:The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony 选手们慢跑进入竞技场,为闭幕式画上了句号

medal presentation 颁奖仪式

参考例句:Neil had been at a prize giving ceremony at a school in Birmingham 尼尔之前在伯明翰的一所学校参加颁奖仪式

stadium 体育场

参考例句:He wants to add a huge sports complex to Binfield Manor 他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场

Olympic Village 奥运村

参考例句:All supporting facilities in the Olympic Village will also be so designed 奥运村的所有相关设施也将采用无障碍设计

Olympic record 奥运会纪录

参考例句He broke the Olympic record and won a gold medal in the Athens Olympic他在雅典奥运会上打破了奥运会纪录并获得了一枚金牌

hold the record 保持纪录

参考例句:This record figure was unequalled for 13 years 这项纪录保持了13年,无人能破

break a/the record 打破纪录

参考例句:Hard luck! You came within striking distance of beating the record 真倒霉! 你眼看就要打破纪录了

stimulant 兴奋剂

参考例句:She was taking uppers and downers at the time 她那时在服用兴奋剂和抑制剂