英语听力汇总   |   雅思10000词汇 逻辑辩证记忆第12讲





port / pR:t / n.港口,口岸

export / 5ekspC:t /  n.出口(物),输出(品)

       / ik5spC:t /  v.出口,输出

Por、port来自拉丁文portare(=to carry)、porta(=gate)。

airport / 5ZEpC:t /n.1.航空站, 航空港, 机场2.风孔, 空气孔

portable / 5pR:tEbl / a.便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的

eg:As this is a travelling circus,it follows a long tradition by perforing in a marquee which is really like a canvas portable building….(剑桥4).


porter / 5pR:tE / n.1.搬运工人  2.看门人,大楼管理员

porch / pR:tF/ n.门廊

deport / di5pC:t /  vt.把…驱逐出境

import/ 5impR:t / n.1.进口,输入  2.[常pl.]进口商品,输入额  3.意义,重要性,含义 

/ im5pR:t /  vt.进口,输入

Eg:The west imports goods from other peoples and in certain circumstance categorises them as ‘art’.(剑桥3).


reportedly / ri5pC:tIdli /ad.据传说, 据传闻

transport / trAns5pC:t /  vt.运输,运送

/ 5trAnspC:t / n.运输,运输系统,运输工具

opportunity / 7RpE5tju:niti / n.机会,时机

eg:Other researchers have found that play in cats ,rats and mice is at its most intense just as this “windows of opportunity” reaches its peaks.(剑桥4)。


passport/ 5pAspR:t,5pa:spR:t / n.护照

password / 5pB:swE:d / n.1.【计算机科学】密码,口令2.口令,暗号

逻辑辨证记忆提示:与port有关的英文单词围绕着“to carry(运送;含有);gate(门)”造词。这组词的难点:1)同一个英文单词的释义可能由两个不同的词源演化而来,如porter  n.1.搬运工人←to carry

2.看门人,大楼管理员←gate; 2)passport  n.护照  ←通过某个国家港口要看的东西。

private / 5praivit / a.1.私人的,个人的  2.私密的,私下的  3.私立的,私营的  


eg:It reflected both the humanist notion of the individual,rational scientistwho invents and discovers through private intellectual labour ,and the growing connection between original science and commerical exploitation.(剑桥5)。


priv来自拉丁文privus(=one's own,individual)。

privately / 5praivitli / ad.私下地,不公开地

privacy / 5praivEsi,5privEsi / n.1.(不受干扰的)个人自由  2.隐私,私生活,私事

privilege/ 5privilidV / n.特权,优惠

eg:For this reason new products are launched in these positions and manufactures are charged widely varying prices for this privileges sport.(剑桥1)。


deprive / di5praiv /  vt.(of)剥夺,使丧失

逻辑辨证记忆提示:与priv有关的英文单词围绕着“one’s own(属于自己的事物);to individual(个人个体)”造词。这组词的难点:1)privilege —— privi(=individual)+leg(=law法律;法规)+e(构词装饰品)——只允许某一个人做某事的法规——n.特权,优惠;2)deprive —— de-(=away)+prive(=one’sown)——使本属于你自己的事物离开你自己—— vt.(of)剥夺,使丧失。