英语听力汇总   |   供暖开始 "暖气"用英语怎么说?







  现在大部分暖气系统的原理是:在一个地方把水加热,然后热气顺着已经安好的管道到达各个住户。这种系统叫central heating,也就是我们经常说的“集中供暖”。


  用暖气就要涉及到暖气费,“暖气费”的英语是heating costs(请注意是复数),而“交暖气费”叫pay the heating bill,现扩充一下交各种费的说法:

  pay the phone bill 交电话费

  pay the electricity bill/electric bill 交电费(electric bill是非正式说法)

  pay the gas bill 交燃气费

  pay the water bill 交水费


  【例】Switch the heating on I'm cold!

  (来源:Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary)

  【例】Central heating is a heating system for buildings. Air or water is heated in one place and travels round a building through pipes and radiators.

  (来源:Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th Edition)

  【例】The first of October is "central heating day", when many people switch on their radiators for the winter. Central heating is just another mod-con of contemporary living, but it's done much more than warm us up.


  【例】The indoor temperature can also be modified using a monitoring system similar to central heating.


  【例】Senators also wanted to offer rebates to higher-income households, seniors living on Social Security and disabled veterans and $1 billion in heating assistance to help lower-income people pay their heating bills.