英语听力汇总   |   托福词汇之“180度的转弯”





  The latest measure marked an about-face from Barak's earlier stance. Following the Feb. 10 general election, which saw the decades-old party skid to the fourth and its lowest-ever position in the parliament, Barak and some other senior members said that the party needs to sit in the opposition and restrengthen itself in order for a forceful return in the future.


  在上面的报道中,about-face 就是指“ (立场、观点等的) 彻底改变”,换言之,也就是和原先的做法截然不同。about-face 的字面意思是“向后转,(朝反方向的)倒转,(朝反方向的)行进”。如:do an about-face and march away (向后转之后齐步走开)。about 作为副词有“沿反方向、到反面位置”的意思,把 about 与 face相结合,就是把脸向相反方向转动。

  上文所采用的是 about-face 是这个词最常用的意思,用来形容与原来相反的行为。例如:do a sudden and complete about-face on oil policy (在石油政策方面突然来一个180度的大转弯)。

  另外,about-face也可作动词用,意思为“做向后转运动,倒转,向反方向行进”和“改弦易辙”。例如:The young man about-faced according to the order of the drillmaster. (年轻人依照教官的命令向后转)。