英语听力汇总   |   下午茶礼仪





Etiquette of afternoon tea


As with everything, a particular etiquette is associated with afternoon tea. Here are a few tips.


1. By definition , afternoon tea is a dainty meal. So, when you drink your tea, take small sips rather than “glugging” it down. There's a definite order to take tea, but the actual drinking of tea can take place throughout the “meal”.

1. 显然,下午茶是精致的一餐。所以,饮茶时要小口啜饮,不能端杯见底。虽然喝茶的顺序有讲究,但实际上,在整个下午茶过程中,你随时可以品尝香茗。

2. Similarly, the food served should be consumed in a restrained fashion as well. Sandwiches are eaten first, followed by the sweet snacks, such as cakes, pastries and scones.

2. 同样,品尝下午茶食物也是十分讲究的。先吃三明治、然后是甜点,例如蛋糕,点心以及英式松饼。

3. Scones are always broken, never cut. They should be served with jam and clotted cream, or butter. The jam goes on first, followed by the cream or butter.

3. 英式松饼往往是小块的,不再作切分。一般会配上果酱、固体奶油或黄油。先抹果酱,然后再涂奶油或黄油。

4. Crumpets are buttered whole and then cut before eating.

4. 吃烤饼时先要整体涂满黄油,食用前再切开。

5. Cakes and pastries should be made so that the use of a pastry fork is not needed; although if that's not the case, the use of such an implement is perfectly acceptable .

5. 蛋糕和点心都是事先准备好的,因此不需要使用糕点叉,但如遇例外,也完全可以使用这些餐具。

6. If you take milk with your tea, pour the tea first and then add milk.

6. 若要在茶中添加牛奶时,切记要先倒茶再加牛奶。