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Cultural institutions’ workforces are too white: City report


Mayor Bill de Blasio is demanding the city’s largest government-funded cultural institutions become more diverse, but a new study found that such work forces are largely “underrepresented” by people of color.

纽约市长白思豪(Bill de Blasio)要求纽约市最大的政府资助文化机构变得更加多元化,但一项新的研究发现,这类工作人员在很大程度上没有有色人种的“充分代表”。

Roughly two-thirds of staffers employed at city Department of Cultural Affairs-funded museums, theaters, zoos and other institutions are white — even though white people comprise just 32 percent of the Big Apple’s population, according to a report by SMU DataArts prepared at the request of City Hall.



Meanwhile, 11 percent of cultural workers are Hispanic compared to 29 percent of city residents; 10 percent are black compared to 22 percent of residents; and 6 percent are Asian compared to 14 percent of the city’s population.


The findings come mere months after the de Blasio administration said it would considering slashing art and cultural institution funds if they fail to meet his staff diversity criteria.

就在几个月前,白思豪(de Blasio)政府表示,如果艺术和文化机构的资金不能满足他的员工多样性标准,它将考虑削减这些基金。

The first survey of 6,928 workers at city-funded 65 art and cultural institutions did find that some longtime marginalized groups – including women and persons with disabilities – are actually over-represented compared to their co-workers.


Women comprise 65 percent of the overall arts workforce, a disproportionate total considering women make up 52 percent of the city’s general population.


Eight percent of the workforce is disabled, compared to 4 percent of all employed city residents.


The study also found that a considerable share of the arts workforce – 15 percent – identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or queer.



De Blasio’s diversity decree particularly targets the nonprofit organizations that run the 33 museums, theaters, concert halls, botanical gardens and zoos that comprise the city’s “Cultural Institutions Group.”


They include Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall.


In addition to being located on city-owned land, each institution receives taxpayer money to fund its operations and subsidize energy costs. Each was required to submit a diversity-workforce plan earlier this year, but none have yet to lose any city funds over lack of diversity.


The study provided an an overall average of the staff composition at all the cultural facilities but did not provide a breakdown for each one.


“NYC residents represent an array of cultures, histories, backgrounds, and experiences – and our cultural organizations must reflect that extraordinary breadth,” said city Cultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl in a statement.


“This means we need to look at diversity across a number of metrics, including age, disability status, and LGBTQ identity as well as race and gender. This new DataArts survey gives us a tool we can use to do that more effectively and over time. The data we gather will help us design programs to support NYC’s arts and cultural institutions in their ongoing efforts to create opportunities for all New Yorkers.”
