英语听力汇总   |   75年前,一枚手提炸弹差点炸死希特勒





Seventy-five years ago, a suitcase bomb nearly killed Hitler


It’s been 75 years since Adolph Hitler sat down with his military officers at his top-secret, Wolfe’s Lair military compound in Prussia to discuss strategy for winning World War II.

75年前,阿道夫·希特勒(Adolph Hitler)和他的军官们坐在他位于普鲁士的绝密军事基地沃尔夫(Wolfe),讨论赢得二战的战略。

He had no clue that Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, one of his most trusted aides, had brought along a suitcase containing a bomb that he hoped would blow the Nazi dictator and his acolytes to smithereens.

他完全不知道,他最信任的助手之一克劳斯·冯·施陶芬贝格上校(Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg)带来了一个手提箱,里面装着一颗炸弹,他希望这颗炸弹能把这位纳粹独裁者和他的助手炸成碎片。


That would have cleared the way for Germany to make peace with the allies — and save many thousands of lives.


But somebody had moved the suitcase close to a table. That deflected much of its explosive force.


Hitler lived another year — and Von Stauffenberg and his fellow plotters were executed within hours. The Gestapo later executed nearly nearly 5,000 other suspected plotters.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel used the anniversary on Saturday to applaud the courage and sacrifice of the conspirators, saying they should serve as an example to people today.

德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)在周六的纪念日赞扬了策划者的勇气和牺牲,称他们应该成为今天的人们树立榜样。

She urged Europeans to confront populism, nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism as she paid tribute to the Nazi resistance in her own country.


The plotters “put humanity over their own human lives,” she told the crowd at the site where von Stauffenberg and the other plotters were executed.

她在冯·施陶芬贝格(von Stauffenberg)和其他策划者被处决的现场对群众说,这些策划者“把人类的命运置于自己的生命之上”。