英语听力汇总   |   英语谚语中的性别歧视——性格弱点具体表现







  Frailty , thy name is woman.


  Woman is made to weep. (女人生性爱流泪。)

  A woman and a glass are ever in danger. (女人易毁,玻璃易碎。)

  A woman is the weaker vessel. (女人是易碎的器皿。)

  It is no more pity to see a woman weep than to see a

  goose go bare foot. (女人哭如鹅光脚走路,根本不值得可怜。)


  A woman is a weather cock. (女人是风向标。)

  A winter weather and women’s thoughts change oft.


  Women are wavering as the wind. (女人心思犹如风之多变。)

  There’s nothing sooner dry than women’s tears.



  A woman’s tongue is the last thing about her thatdies.

  Where there are women and geese, there wants nonoise. (哪有鹅和女人,哪不缺喧闹声)

  Foxes are all tail and women are all tongue.

  Three women and a goose make a market. (三个女人一只鹅,市场里面闹哄哄。)

  A woman’s tongue wags like a lamb’s tail. (女人饶舌如同羔羊摆尾。)

  Words are women, deeds are men. (女人的嘴巴,男人的行动。)

  (4) 女人是虚荣,虚伪,罪恶的

  Every woman would rather be beautiful than good. (女人爱美不重德。)

  Tell a woman she is fair, and she will soon turnfool. (跟女人讲她长得漂亮,很快她就会晕头转向。)

  Bad woman are worse than bad men.

  Trust not a woman, when she weeps.

  Bad women can do more than the devil.

  Women are the devil’s nets. (女人是万恶之源。)

  There is no devil so bad as a she-devil. (魔鬼当中女人最坏。)

  Nothing agrees worse than a lady’s heart andbeggar’s purse. (女人的心和乞丐的钱包一样,糟糕透顶。)

  (5) 其他

  A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst. (求婚者多多,姑娘常选错。)

  Women will have their wills. (女人爱一意孤行。)

  Women have long hair and short brains. (女人头发长,见识短。)

  When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom iswomen. (毛驴登梯时,女人才聪明。)

  A woman cuts her wisdom teeth when she is dead. (女人死了才明理。)

  Beauty and folly are often companions. (美与蠢,结伴行。)
