英语听力汇总   |   来自莎士比亚作品的十个常用短语(2)





  6. There's the Rub: 这就是问题所在

  How Shakespeare used it:

  In Hamlet's famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy, "ay, there's the rub" is the tormented prince's acknowledgement that death may not end his difficulties because the dead may perhaps still be troubled by dreams. (Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1)



  "There's the rub. What does a progressive institution like Smith [College] do when Barbara decides to become Bert? It's a problem." — Roger Kimball, The New Criterion, May 2005

  7. Cruel to Be Kind: 要想善良,必先残忍;忠言逆耳

  How Shakespeare used it:

  "I must be cruel only to be kind; / Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind," says the tormented Hamlet. He has just mistakenly killed Polonius, and it's clear that he doesn't know how bad things are going to get. (Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 4)



  "The government has portrayed the cull [of 400 kangaroos] as a necessary case of being cruel to be kind, but the international focus has been mostly on the cruelty." — Tim Johnston, New York Times, Mar. 14, 2008

  8. Wild Goose Chase: 复杂又无果的追寻或搜索;徒劳无果

  How Shakespeare used it:

  In Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio likens the rapid exchange of jokes between Romeo and himself to the cross-country horse race of Shakespeare's time, known as the wild goose chase, in which any number of riders tried to keep up with and accurately follow the lead rider's course:

  "Nay, if our wits run the wild-goose chase, I am done; for thou / hast more of the wild goose in one of thy wits than, I am sure, I / have in my whole five." (Act 2, Scene 4)



  "Seriously just went on a wild goose chase for a place to study. Everything is packed so I found an empty classroom in the math building." — TheHeartquake on Twitter, May 11, 2009

  9. Dogs of War: 战争的恐惧之处

  How Shakespeare used it:

  In Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 1, a grief-stricken Mark Antony predicts that the instability following Caesar's murder will result in civil war: "Cry 'havoc!' And let slip the dogs of war!"

  ("Cry havoc" was the military order for soldiers to seize plunder from an enemy.)

  莎士比亚原文:在《凯撒大帝》第3幕第1场中,悲伤过度的马克•安东尼预言称,凯撒大帝被谋杀后的不稳定局势会导致内战:“下令抢劫!让战争的恐惧溜走吧!”(Cry havoc是军队中的命令用语,指下令让士兵从敌人手中抢掠。)


  "If you doubt that Obama is about to let slip the dogs of war, you need only look back at what he said as a long-shot presidential hopeful in a controversial August 2007 foreign policy speech." — James Gordon Meek, New York Daily News, May 10, 2010

  10. Strange Bedfellows: 不可能结盟的两个人;同床异梦

  How Shakespeare used it:

  When Trinculo seeks shelter from a storm under the cloak of a creature he's very unsure about – he wonders if it's a man or a fish – he comments "misery acquaints a man with strange bed-fellows." (The Tempest, Act 2, Scene 2)



  "But there's another key reason Philip Morris lobbied hard for FDA regulation, aligning itself with strange bedfellows like the Campaign for Smoke-Free Kids [and] the American Lung Association ..." — Kate Pickert, Time, June 12, 2009