Newspaper in Israel Scrubs Women From a Photo of Paris Unity Rally
JERUSALEM — Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany was right there next to the president of France on Sunday, marching through the streets of Paris for all the world to see — all the world, that is, except the readers of an ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel.
耶路撒冷——周日,德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)和法国总统肩并肩走在巴黎街头游行的画面,吸引了全世界的注目——除了以色列一家极端正统派报纸的读者。
The newspaper, HaMevaser, altered a third-page photograph of the march to remove Ms. Merkel and other female leaders, setting off snickers and satire on social media.
Ultra-Orthodox publications generally avoid pictures of women for reasons of modesty, and their intended audience has been known to scratch women’s faces out of bus advertisements and to bar them from running for public office in their parties. But some people saw the deletions from the Paris photograph as a more serious sin.
“It is rather embarrassing when, at a time that the Western world is rallying against manifestations of religious extremism, our extremists manage to take the stage,” Allison Kaplan Sommer commented on a blog for Israel’s left-leaning newspaper Haaretz. She berated HaMevaser for “denying the fact that in the wider world, beyond the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, women do stand on the world stage and shape events.”
“当整个西方世界走到一起,表达对宗教极端主义的反对之时,发生这种事实在很丢人,被我们自己的极端主义者抢了镜,”艾莉森·卡普兰·索莫尔 (Allison Kaplan Sommer)在以色列左倾报纸《国土报》(Haaretz)的博客中写道。她指责《预兆》“拒绝接受一个现实,那就是在极端正统犹太人社区之外,在更广阔的世界里,女人已经站在世界舞台上,影响着事件的发展。”
Apparently deleted along with Ms. Merkel were: the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo; a European Union official; and Simonetta Sommaruga, the president of Switzerland.
和默克尔一同被删去的人物看起来还有:巴黎市长安妮·希达尔戈(Anne Hidalgo);一位欧盟官员;瑞士总统西蒙内塔· 索马鲁加(Simonetta Sommaruga)。
The altered photo, first pointed out by Walla, an Israeli news site, drew wide scrutiny. Rather than just blur the women’s faces, HaMevaser tried to make it appear as though no women had been there to begin with. The results were far from seamless: Mediaite called the alterations “sloppy,” citing the discoloration of a man’s face, a disembodied hand, a mysterious glove and an unexplained blur, and posted a comparison with the unaltered original.
An Irish satirical news source, Waterford Whispers, responded by posting its own “feminist newspaper photoshop,” featuring the same Paris street scene with three female leaders depicted, but no men.
爱尔兰恶搞新闻网站“沃特福德传闻”(Waterford Whispers)贴出了自己的“女性主义报纸修图版”作为回应,图片中使用了相同的巴黎街景,只是上面只有那三名女性领导人,没有男人。
Newspapers catering to ultra-Orthodox Jews have been embarrassed before by their handling of news photographs depicting women. In 2011, Di Tzeitung, a Brooklyn-based publication, apologized for digitally altering a photograph to remove Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was then secretary of state, and another woman from a scene in the White House Situation Room.
面向极端正统派犹太人的报纸,因为对有女性的新闻图片进行处理而蒙羞,已经不是第一次。2011年,总部位于布鲁克林的刊物《日志》(Di Tzeitung)对一张白宫局势研究室照片进行数码处理,删去了上面的时任国务卿希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)和另一名女性,为此刊物表达了歉意。
No one from HaMevaser could be reached on Tuesday, including the owner, Meir Porush, a former member of Parliament. The newspaper, established in 2009, publishes up to eight pages daily and 20 pages on Fridays, focusing on current affairs. Its Thursday section “For the Home” is aimed at women.
记者在周二无法和《预兆》报社取得联系,包括其所有人、前议员梅伊尔·珀乎什(Meir Porush)。这家2009年创办的日报平常为八版,周五刊出20版,主要关注时事。周五有面向女性的“家事”(For the Home)版块。
Rama Burshtein, an ultra-Orthodox filmmaker whose 2012 movie “Fill the Void” won international acclaim, said in an interview that the alteration of the photo would make perfect sense to the newspaper’s readers.
极端正统派电影人拉玛·布尔什坦(Rama Burshtein)的2012年影片《填补空白》(Fill the Void)赢得了国际赞誉,她在一次采访中说,修改照片对报纸读者来说是完全合乎情理的做法。